Online gaming companies are fooling the Indian government

Aveek Das
2 min readAug 29, 2023


Hey there, curious minds! 🌟 Have you ever wondered about the shady side of online gaming companies and their tax game? Let’s dive into the story of how some of these companies might be playing tricks on the Indian government.

So, here’s the scoop: There’s a growing concern that certain online gaming companies have been cleverly avoiding paying their fair share of taxes to the Indian government.

How, you ask? Well, they’ve come up with some crafty methods. Picture this: these companies are making big bucks, but instead of paying their dues, they’re converting their earnings into cryptocurrencies. Yep, you heard that right! And after the crypto transformation, they’re whisking their money away from India. Sneaky, right?

😈 But wait, there’s more! A lot of these gaming giants are set up in tax havens, kind of like financial hideouts. They’re actually operating in India without following the proper rules, and here’s the kicker: they’re doing this by setting up a bunch of shell companies that are owned by random people. Talk about an intricate web! 🕸️

Let’s take an example to paint a clearer picture. You might have come across ads for a company called Parimatch in newspapers. Well, guess what?

They reportedly made a whopping 700 crore rupees from Indian users. But did they pay their taxes like responsible corporate citizens? Nope! Instead, they allegedly used the laws of countries like Dubai to shuffle their money around and turn it into crypto.

But don’t worry, it’s not all gloom and doom! The Indian government is starting to catch on to these tactics and is taking action. They’re tightening the screws on these companies and their tax-evasion escapades.

One recent decision is about a 28% GST, which aims to keep things fair and square. This move might just encourage more gaming companies to start playing by the rules and pay up properly. Let’s keep our eyes peeled for more updates on this thrilling saga! 🕵️♀️🔍💰

